Coaching Clinic

About Dr Sally Hanna

Sally is an accredited performance coach and the founder of Cotswold Coaching Clinic.  Coaching is a highly personalised and transformative service which unlocks potential to maximise performance. It helps individuals to understand who they are, what they want from life, and how to overcome the thoughts and feelings that hold them back from achieving their personal and professional ambitions. In essence, a performance coach is to your mind what a personal trainer is to your body.

Sally is passionate about supporting women. By enhancing self-awareness, confidence and resilience, her coaching helps women to lead happy and purposeful lives which reflect their true potential.

Prior to coaching Sally worked in the NHS for 17 years, initially as a hospital doctor and later as a GP. This skill set means she can get to the core of a challenge efficiently and effectively.

Common issues Sally addresses in coaching include:

• long-term vision

• empowered states

• leveraging strengths

• harnessing intuition

• letting go of negativity

• self-care

• overwhelm management

• effective communication

• overcoming Imposter Syndrome

• ending the vicious cycle of self-sabotaging behaviours like people-pleasing, perfectionism and procrastination.


“I truly believe that my coaching success is down to Sally's ability to effortlessly tease things out. I now understand myself better and I know what I want from life. As a result I plan more, take more control and have a better work-life balance whilst continuing to progress my career. Sally's wealth of knowledge, intuition and friendly persona is what makes her coaching so impactful.”


You can learn more about Sally and her coaching service by visiting

If you’re interested in exploring how coaching can help you thrive, please contact Sally at for a complimentary, no-obligation chat.


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